John's Photos
California Botanic Garden Photos and other information
Judy's Photos
Photo Lessons
Phlora & Phauna [Beasties] [Birds] & [Bugs] of Phelan in John's Yard
Geology [Rocks] of Phelan in John's Yard



While the photograph above left may not look like it is in the Mojave desert, it most certainly is. That is my home and car after a bit of winter weather.

This site is a work in progress and we will be adding more photographs and stuff as time goes on. So come back and visit again when you have time.

While you are waiting to return here, why don't you visit the California Botanic Garden where I work as a Research Associate primarily documenting photographically the seeds of California Native plants. Just click the link below.


November 2000


April 16, 2009